Zero Acre Farms launches a Cultured Oil with a Purpose
We're kind of fascinated by @zeroacrefarms new fermented Cultured Oil which is made through a fermentation process and boasts many additional benefits. A few reasons it has our attention –
🧫 Made from fermentation, not deforestation means it uses less resources and has much lower environmental impact than other plant-based oils like Canola, Soy and Olive
❤ Free of vegetable (seed) oils and high in monounsaturated fat means its a heart-healthy oil alternative
🍳 High smoke point and neutral flavor means its great all purpose solution for cooking & sautéing
A few places to learn more:
Zero Acre Farms Website
The Dieline: Zero Acre Aims To Replace Vegetable Oils With a More Sustainable, Cultured Cooking Oil
#producttrends #sustainable #fermentation #wellness #hearthealth #environmentalimpact