5 Tips for Finding Balance During Stressful Times | Bonus Links & Resources


The past few years have brought a level of stress and uncertainty most of us have not experienced in our lifetime. Regardless of geography, age, gender, status, income – we are all being deeply affected by a pandemic that has changed the way we see the world and function in our day-to-day lives.

Having infinitely less time on our hands has been overwhelming. There are so many things we could be doing, or feel we should be doing, that it can be easy to lose sight of the things that are truly important.

Through the highs and lows I have found comfort in leaning into the wealth of resources out there to help establish goals and stay focused. Below are a few of the lessons that have been really helpful in finding some balance and peace during these times.


Figure Out What Truly Matters To You Through “Brain Dumping” or Journaling
In order to feel productive and accomplished (in whatever way this feels most applicable) it’s important to spend time evaluating what is truly important to you. One helpful exercise is to create a “to do” list, including the things that are stressing you out, and rank them in order of priority. Once you have a list of things that are important to you, think about ways you could delegate, eliminate or simplify the less necessary tasks. Saying “no” can be difficult, but allowing yourself the permission to do so will help keep focus on what matters to you most, and will feel so liberating! I also discovered Silk + Sonder monthly journals – filled with prompts, trackers, recipes and coloring pages. It has provided a structured place (blank page syndrome, anyone?) to explore themes and patterns that have helped me recognize patterns and realize my goals in a really fun and creative way.
Read More: What is Brain Dumping?
Silk + Sonder Journal Experience (with $10 off referral code)

Create a time block schedule.
As a visual person, creating a weekly spreadsheet was a great way to plan out blocks of time for the things that were important to me. If you are a multi-tasker like myself, it can be helpful to plan a minimum of 1-2 uninterrupted hours to make progress on an activity, whether it is a work project or a personal project. Scheduling things like exercise, snack breaks and social time has been a way to make health & wellness a larger priority in my day-to-day life.
Read More: What is Block Scheduling?

Find Time For Movement.
In times of stress and uncertainty I’ve often found myself spending hours in front of the computer without taking much needed breaks – leading to stiff muscles, strained eyes and drained energy. It has been so helpful to plan for exercise, snack breaks and even an afternoon or evening stretch to bring some fluid movement back to my body. Quarantine was an opportunity to explore different types of fitness classes that I’ve never tried before. (I highly recommend a Bollywood dance class – so fun and rhythmic!)
Yoga with Adriene
Dance with Deepti

Establish a healthy bedtime routine.
Sleep is one of the most important gifts we can give our bodies to stay healthy and focused. While it’s easy to unwind by scrolling social media or binge watching our guilty pleasure shows, it is important to take time free from screens and create a restful environment that can promote relaxation. Listening to 5-10 minutes of meditation before bed has been a great way to release cycling thoughts and achieve more peaceful sleep.
Spotify Meditations (free) - there are SO many to choose from, here are few we like:
Guided Meditations, ambient sounds - Present Moment, Temple of Serenity, Calming Music + Nature Sounds
Balance Meditation app - excellent guided meditations and winner of Googles Best App of 2021 (free 1 year subscription)

Be Gentle With Yourself.
Change and uncertainty can be so difficult on us – physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially. Being aware of your needs and priorities, and knowing when to ask for help can guide a balanced mindset when things don’t go as planned. As life changes, so will your priorities, and that is okay! Realizing this has helped give myself permission to go with the flow. Surrounding yourself with positive people and activities will help in manifesting joy and funding fulfillment.
Resource: Good News Network
Read More: The Science Behind Finding Your Mantra – And How to Practice It Daily


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